create user hspipmptemp with password 'hspipmptemp';
# 设置Postgres数据库为只读的transaction
alter user hspipmptemp set default_transaction_read_only=on;
# 赋予用户权限,查看public模式下所有表:(新建表也会有只读权限)
grant usage on schema public to hspipmptemp;
alter default privileges in schema public grant select on tables to hspipmptemp;

# 赋予用户连接数据库权限
grant connect on database zhong to hspipmptemp;
# 切换到指定数据库
\c hspipmp
# 赋予用户表、序列查看权限
grant usage on schema public to hspipmptemp;
grant select on all sequences in schema public to hspipmptemp;
grant select on all tables in schema public to hspipmptemp;

select * from pg_roles;
select * from information_schema.table_privileges where grantee='cc';